Giant Buzz Wire Game
The giant buzz wire game now available in a digital version! Keep scores and rank players automatically and even collect opted in marketing data.

Price: £1,395
Please note: The standard product package does not include a monitor. You can connect the game to a monitor of your choice by using the TV stick.
The SLR giant buzz wire game includes as standard:
Large buzz wire (conductive tube, two stands and a wand)
Game app - comes preinstalled on either an Android tablet or a TV stick
Buzz wire mains charger
USB tablet cable and charger for the tablet
2 x 9v PP3 batteries
Digitally controlled
You can control the game from its app, via the Bluetooth connection, so you can easily add players, change the games setting or reset the score.
Great for running competitions
Automatic scorekeeping and player ranking, Connect the app to a large monitor to broadcast the scores and display the names of the winners.
3 Different games
There is more than one way to beat the buzzer! Easily switch between the games using the button on the game stand or by switching between the app's game options.
Collect opted-in marketing data
The game's app is capable of recording players' consent if they wish to receive marketing communications. The app can produce a CSV file with the opted-in data.
Optional Extras
External High-Power Buzzer
There may be occasions when you operate the game in noisy environments and you need a very loud buzzer. We can supply an external buzzer, which has its own power supply and can be sited beneath the buzz wire.
Price: £300
Helmet with wand
A fun twist on the game – instead of guiding the wand with your hand, you can put on the helmet and attempt to complete the course by guiding the wand with your head.
Price: £150
Games You Can Play on the Digital Giant Buzz Wire
How far can you get before the time runs out? Once the game has started, the time counter will start to count down . The challenge is to complete the course as quickly as you can. If you touch the wire, you will lose 5 seconds from the time allowed to complete the course. The game ends either when the timer runs out or the wand touches the "end game" section of the wire.
Buzz Count
How far can you get without touching the wire?
Once the game has started, the app will start to count the number of buzz wire touches.
The player has no time limit to complete the course. If the buzz wire is touched, the count increases. The game ends when the wand touches the "end game" section of the wire.
Time Length
How long will it take you to complete the challenge?
Once the game is started, the time counter will start to count up. The player should try to complete the course as quickly as possible. If the buzz wire is touched, a five second penalty is added. There is also a cut-off time, which the operator can set to 30, 60 or 90 seconds.
The game ends when the wand touches the “end game” section of the wire or the player runs out of time.